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April Fools... Get Well Soon!
I have been so sick lately. About a month or so ago I had a sinus infection with tonsillitis, and it seriously took me about a month to get over. Then I awoke in the middle of Friday night with a sore throat. I thought that I was just coming down with a little cold or something, but it continued to get worse. After a Sunday nap, I woke up with a fever and my lungs were hurting extremely bad. It hurt to breathe. My life saver was an inhaler that I had left over from previous illness. My awesome mom took care of Mattie for me so I could get some rest. On Monday morning I was running an even higher fever, and really having a hard time breathing, so I decided that I had better go to the doctor. Turns out it was some nasty bronchial infection going around, and I had to get a breathing treatment and a cortisone injection, along with another round of antibiotics and cough syrup with Lortab in it. That definitely helped a lot! My poor little niece Viviana has to go through this kind of stuff and worse all of the time.By Tuesday I was still feeling pretty crappy, but Matt was suppose to get into Orlando at about 9am, which made me a very happy girl. Well, 10:30 came and Matt called me to tell me that there had been some maintenance problems and that he was in Atlanta. He said that it could be hours before he would be home. I was feeling so sick and so sorry for not being able to take care of Mattie, that I just started crying. Matt then says to me, "Don't cry. April Fool's! I'm on my way home right now. "Maybe it would have been funnier if I hadn't been on my DEATHBED! He redeemed himself though. He walked through the door with beautiful "Get Well Soon" flowers. I'm feeling better with each passing day and hoping to not be sick again for a while!
PS. Another Mattie moment... when I was crying, my little angel saw me and asked me if I was sad? She then climbed up into my bed and laid her head down on my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck. She said, "Don't cry Mommy. It's alright. It's alright Mommy. I love you!"
I'm sick again too! I thought that cold I had in February lasted long enough. My sister in CA said that something called the 100 day cold has gone around. I think that's what I've had, at least it feels like it's been 100 days of some degree of a cold.
I hope you're feeling better. Matt did good with the flowers. They are so cheery. And sweet Mattie. What a little angel.
Feel better!
Awwww...Beautiful flowers! Matt did good. Mattie is so sweet. When are you coming up to ride horses? Feel better
Man that sounds awful! I was almost in tears myself for you! I did chuckle a little though when Matt April Fooled's a good thing he redeemed himself! I hope you are feeling better!
Total Matt thing to do---gotta love him! Beautiful flowers and sweet little Momo. I'm glad you're feeling better! I think Becky's right about the 100 day cold and I think we have it too:)
Those Menzie boys and their "funny" jokes! He better have come home with flowers:). Delays are the worst, especially on expected home days. The forever sickness sounds like no fun. Being sick with little one is super hard. Hope you feel better soon. Thank goodness for modern medicine.
Bummer you've been sick for so long! That was so sweet of Matt to bring you flowers - though I have a feeling after that prank if he showed up empty handed he would have been in big trouble. :-)
Finally I get a chance to actually post a comment. I'm sorry you've been dealing with being sick for so long...I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad Matt redeemed himself a little with those gorgeous flowers.
You stinker!!! Why didn't you tell me you had a blog! I'm glad you started one even if it is "trendy":) I can't believe how old Mattie looks! What a doll!! So when are we going to Hawaii to do your family pics:) Anway, I'm adding you to my friends list so I can sneak peeks of your cute life!
Hey Heather! This is Maria. I am so glad you were able to find me through Jessica's Blog. I can't believe how big Mattie is. They grow up so fast. She is so sweet. I hope you are feelig better now. You and Matt should come visit us here in England. Just remember you guys are welcome to come. We are going to be here until the end of this year. Matt is doing his first year of med-school here and then next year we got to Grenada in the Caribbean. And the last two years back in the States. So if you can't make it to England maybe you can make it to the Grenada. Feel better.
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