(I love his "cheese" face, here with my sister Stephanie!)
After the party we headed over to my sister's house to do presents with her family, my brother's family and Grandma. It was fun watching Reddin and Lochlan try to figure out the whole present thing. Of course Mattie was quick to lend a hand!

At home, Matt and Mattie put out food for the reindeer and left cookies for Santa on a super cute plate my sister made.

That evening we headed over to my sister's for Christmas dinner. Growing up, I spent many Christmases in Biloxi, MS at my grandparents home. We always had a roast on Christmas Day and then on Boxing Day we had an amazing meal of seafood! We decided to skip the roast and just get to the good stuff this year! We had barbecued shrimp (my grandfather's recipe), boiled shrimp and potatoes, salad, french bread and grilled lobster tail! It was all so yummy. Mattie does not care for seafood at this time in her life and I hoping she grows out of that. Reddin on the other hand really enjoyed the seafood! (He also likes spicy food, and it just melts my heart to see some of my blood in that boy!) We did the traditional English Christmas crackers and wore our silly hats, just like my Gma always made us do.

looks like such a fun couple of days!!! You are such a cute little family :) Keep on posting some more blogs like this.
Looks like it was a fun and festive holiday! That's sad that Matt had to be gone for part of it.
I love the family traditions...the hats are hilarious. You FL folks are even tan in Dec:) That's nice that you could spend the holiday with so much family, and Matt in the a.m.
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