Ok so really I wasn't on a blogging strike, I just haven't taken the time to blog! But now that I only have one child at home in the morning, I thought that I would try to catch up and get back into blogging. I'm not really sure where to even start and I feel a little overwhelmed by all that I want to put in here. So I think that I am going to copy my sister-in-law Shayla and do a "note-worthy" post!

Mattie finished up gymnastics. She took her lessons in the spring with her friend Jake from church. She really enjoyed her time in gymnastics each week.
Matt played on in a interfaith baseball team with our Stake. Sometimes he would miss games because he was gone working, but when he was in town to play we would go and watch him. My sister Steph and Lochlan would go too, because her husband Greg was on the team as well. At this particular game Matt had two homeruns and Mattie the Cheerleader was going crazy cheering! Great job we had a blast supporting you!
I did not attend my 10 year high school reunion last October because I did not feel like spending $200 to go. I was quite bummed about not seeing some of my really good friends from high school, especially the 3 girls that had been my besties during high school. Well this summer we had the opprotunity to go to dinner when 2 of them came into town, (1 of them lives here in Palm Bay). Steph came along cause she was always with us and she of course has been my very best bestie my whole life! It was so fun seeing Lacey, Krista and Melissa, and I can't wait for our next little friend reunion!
Matt got to go on his annual Lobster diving trip down to the Keys. He doesn't get to go and do guy things very often, so I am always supportive of him going down to the Keys each year. Plus, the spiny lobsters are SO yummy! This year he brought home 9 lobsters, that is the most he has ever brought back, the max is 12. I'm glad he had so much fun.
I was able to attend Youth Conference this year with the young women of my ward. It was 3 days and 2 nights long, and was held at Stetson University. We stayed in dorms and I had a blast bonding even more with my girls. It was however hard to be away from Reddin for the first time! A HUGE thanks to my mom and sister for helping to take care of my kids, since Matt was actually in the Keys for the first part of Youth Conference.
(This is another long one!) My nephew Brayden was turning 12 and more than half of Matt's family was going to be out in CA to help celebrate. Matt put in for a week of vacation and got it, so we were able to go out too! We took a direct flight out to LA and both kids were very good for the flight. We rented a car and met up with Matt's good friend from high school, Roger. He works for Matel and gave both kids a toy, which of course Mattie loved. He also took us to Pinkberry for some AMAZING frozen yogurt.
After leaving LA, we headed down to San Diego to meet up with Matt's family at the beach. Mattie was in heaven being surrounded by cousins and playing in the sand. Aunt Brooke was fabulous with the little kids and Mattie still talks about her! Reddin on the other hand was very tired from a VERY long day of travel. We headed back to Matt's sister's home to get some sleep. Mattie, Izzie and Lexie decided to be teenagers and pull an all nighter with their slumber party! Seriously Mattie got up and left FL and 4am (Eastern time), and was still up in CA past midnight (Western time)! I honestly don't know where she gets her energy!

On Sunday Brayden was recieving the Aaronic Preisthood and being ordainded a deacon. Matt's father drove down from UT for the special day and it was his first time meeting Reddin too. It was a good time seeing so much family!
We left that night with Teresa in her RV. We spent the night in the LA temple parking lot, and the next morning woke up and headed over to Tito Tacos. This is a favorite place of Matthew's, having grown up eating there quite a bit. He actually took me there one time before and I had not cared for it. But this time I really enjoyed it. The salsa and chips were especially my favorite!

We took off the next morning and drove with Teresa and Kelly back to UT in their RV. Mattie and Reddin were really good for the long drive to Ama's house. We got to Teresa's house late that night and went straight to bed.

Also while we were in SLC for that short time, we were able to get together with our friends Amelia and Phil and meet their brand new little guy Max. We met for a picnic in the park and it was so fun spending time with them. I am beyond excited that Amelia is a mommy, and her little man Max is just too cute! Congratulations again Phil and Amelia!

Well I'm going to call this post/book good for now. There are more recent things that I am going to blog on very soon, so stay tuned for more of what the FL Menzies have been up to! (It feels nice to belong to the world of blogging once more!!!)
I was just thinking it had been a while since you posted on your blog (though I'm not one to talk). I'm sure that was a lot to recap but it was fun to read.
Yeah! You're back! I like your 'new do' for your blog header:) Izzie is still posturing---and making plans to see Mattie again! That was a fun weekend even if it was short!
No wonder you haven't blogged - you've been traveling everywhere!!! Fun!
Welcome back! :)
Now THAT's a recap! Love the new blog look & reading and seeing what your cute family has been up to. We'll be thinking of you when we have our Halloween dinner.
oh my goodness, LOTS and LOTS of updates! lol
first, I so know that girl from your school...I think it's Lacy (strapless dress)?
and oh my gosh, isn't Lori's house AMAZING!!!
so many trips, how fun!!
So glad you posted - I've been lonely for grandchildren pictures!
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