As promised here is the post with the solo Mattie sang at Wyatt Jarvis' baptism the day before Easter...
About a month before Wyatt's baptism, his mother Rebekah called me up and asked if Mattie would be able to sing a solo at his baptism. Wyatt wanted Mattie to sing "I am a Child of God". This of course was Mattie's favorite song, and she likes to sing it all of the time. The only problem was that she skipped some of the words here and there. I asked Mattie if it was something that she wanted to do and she said that it was! I told Rebekah that I would work on it with her, and that maybe she would be ready in time to sing it. We started singing it all of the time, at home, in the car and just about everywhere else!
Finally the day arrived, and Mattie was very excited. I wondered if she really understood what she needed to do. I got her ready for the baptism. I
let her pick out whatever dress it was that she wanted to wear, and she picked the pillow-case dress Ama made for her. When we were all done getting ready we headed to the church. The baptism started and she was set to sing after Wyatt was baptized and before the talk on the Holy Ghost. When it came time for Momo's solo, I wondered if she was going to chicken out when she got up in front of everybody. (There were probably about 40+ people at the baptism!) I walked up to the front with her, and I told her whenever she was ready to go ahead and start. She looked at me and asked, "Now?" I nodded my head and she looked out at everyone and... started SINGING! She did great and brought tears to eyes, including mine. I was so proud of my little 3 and a half year old! I was only sad that Matthew had to miss it. We recorded it for Daddy, so here it is:
The rest of the baptism was so great and so special! Thanks to Wyatt for asking Mattie to share her budding talent with others.
About a month before Wyatt's baptism, his mother Rebekah called me up and asked if Mattie would be able to sing a solo at his baptism. Wyatt wanted Mattie to sing "I am a Child of God". This of course was Mattie's favorite song, and she likes to sing it all of the time. The only problem was that she skipped some of the words here and there. I asked Mattie if it was something that she wanted to do and she said that it was! I told Rebekah that I would work on it with her, and that maybe she would be ready in time to sing it. We started singing it all of the time, at home, in the car and just about everywhere else!
Finally the day arrived, and Mattie was very excited. I wondered if she really understood what she needed to do. I got her ready for the baptism. I

The rest of the baptism was so great and so special! Thanks to Wyatt for asking Mattie to share her budding talent with others.